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トップ > コンシールド型安全カッターナイフ > セキュマックス145


商品コード : 145001
製造元 : Martor KG
価格 : 7,700円 (税込)
数量    残りあと12個



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  • 10入り1箱単位での販売になります



Packaging unit 10 in box (loose)
サイズ(L x W x H) 118 x 4 x 35.4 mm
本体重量 12 g
切り口深さ 3.8 mm
本体素材 グラスファイバー強化プラスティック

2 in 1 blade head

The blade head provides two functions: cutting and piercing. Use the knife's noses to the left and right of the blade to effortlessly pierce materials (e.g. card and film), and the blade head’s corners for packing tape.

Concealed blade

With a 4 mm blade access, the blade is highly concealed. Out of reach for fingers but accessible to the materials to be cut. And contents under the cutting surface will also be kept safe from contact with the cutting edge.

Flat and robust design

It is not just the handle that has an extremely flat design – the cutting channel too measures just 1.5 mm, requiring less effort for cutting. The tool also retains its strength – thanks to a 0.5 mm blade and high-quality plastic.

Light and easy

The SECUMAX 145 is so lightweight that users will hardly notice it. This is aided by the comfortably rounded handle at just 4 mm wide, and thumbs will intuitively find their place at the ergonomically designed groove

Clever guide surfaces

A tip from us on cutting card: hold the blade at an angle to improve cutting! It is no accident that the guide surfaces are located at the front of the knife – they aid cutting at the most effective angle.

Concealed blade – a maximum degree of safety

The SECUMAX 145 blade is not an open one, but is hidden from people and goods. This provides you with a maximum degree of safety from cut injuries and from damage to goods.




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